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Reference Librarians are here to help you use and access legal materials. Reference Librarians do not practice law. We are here to connect you with legal information, but we cannot provide legal advice or do legal research for you.
We can:
Help you find books, articles and primary legal sources that can answer your question
Help you locate items when you have a citation
Help you locate forms that may be applicable to your situation
Show you how to use our catalog and databases for your research
Help you develop a research strategy for your question
We can’t:
Advise you on how to handle a legal situation or interpret the law for you
Tell you which laws or cases are applicable to your case
Read definitions, cases and statutes to you over the phone
Help you fill out forms
Print or send documents from our databases to anyone outside of the current Harvard Law School community
Do legal research for you
If you are seeking legal advice or representation, please refer to the following sources for information on how to get legal advice, find a lawyer or locate legal resources:
General resources: Find legal information, forms and a state-by-state list of legal service organizations
In Massachusetts:
Massachusetts Bar Associations's Mass Lawyer Referral Service /866-MASSLRS (866-627-7577)
Boston Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service/(617) 742-0625)
For information about services for people with low incomes, contact:
Greater Boston Legal Services 617-371-1234 or 1-800-323-3205
The Legal Services Center of Harvard Law School 617-522-3003
Outside of Massachusetts:
American Bar Association Consumer Guide to Legal Help
Other Research Resources
For public law libraries in other states, try our guide to Local Law Libraries.
If you are looking for free sources for legal research, please consult our guide to Free Legal Research Sources-United States
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