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Answered By: Mindy Kent
Last Updated: Feb 26, 2020     Views: 658

To find articles that have cited a particular article for any discipline, use the Web of Knowledge E-resource (

Note: You will need your HarvardKey to access this resource off-campus.

Once you have gained access to Web of Knowledge, in the first screen that pops up, search for the title of the journal or the cited article in the title field, or search by author. Then, in the results page click on the article you want. In the page that will load, on the right hand side in a blue sidebar, click on either “View all # Citing Articles” or on the "Citation Map" link.

For the citation map, the forward setting will show articles that cited the original article, and the backward setting includes the ones that the original article cited. Two generations in the forward mode would include articles that cited that article that cited the original article, and similarly for the backward mode.

For legal materials, Shepard’s in Lexis Nexis or Keycite in Westlaw are great tools.

For Shepardizing in Lexis Advance just type Shep: citation, in the search bar and click on “Citing Law Reviews, Treatises” in the tab above the search results for articles and treatises that cited the original article or case.

To Keycite in Westlaw Classic, click on “Keycite” at the top of the main page and enter in your citation, and the results will give you all of the places that have cited it.

For Keycite in Westlaw Next, search first for the citation in the search box on the main page, and then once the article or case is retrieved, click on the “Citing References” tab above the main text of the page.

If none of these options give you what you are looking for, try phrase searching the article title in quotation marks in full text databases, and looking at the articles that pop up in the results.

Answered by Mindy Kent
Last Updated: Feb 26, 2020     Views: 658